ABI Week 2024 was a great success! South and East Community Rehabilitation Groups wore a ‘Hat for Headway’, making a small donation to the cause. To “cap” it all, the wearer of the best hat at each group received a prize. We were “bowler-ed” over by all the fabulous headgear on display and a “beret” good time was had by all and no one was “fez-ed” by the ABI Week activities on offer.

East Ayrshire Community rehabilitation Group show off their hats.

East Group Winner, Campbell Gibb-Stewart receives his prize from Headway Ayrshire Manager Jayne McClymont.

South Ayrshire Community Rehabilitation Group show off their headgear.

South Community Rehabilitation group Winner Quincy McGarrie receives his prize from Headway Ayrshire Manager Jayne McClymont.