April 2024

Recent Carers Education Sessions

By |April 25th, 2024|



Carers Education Sessions recently took place on Tuesday 16th and 23rd April and were well received.

The Sessions give a valuable insight into brain/head injuries and offer daily coping strategies for all the family. The next round of sessions is due to take place in October 2024.

If you are interested in finding out more about Carers Education Sessions, please call […]

Alex’s Artistic Achievement

By |April 22nd, 2024|


This beautiful charcoal drawing was produced at our Art Group by South Ayrshire Community Rehabilitation group member, Alex Bell. Alex is relatively new to the Art Group and has really taken to charcoal drawing, showing amazing promise! This lovely piece was very kindly purchased by Kim and Roy Cuthbert at the Group’s recent coffee morning. Thank you to Alex […]

Presentation of Ten Pin Bowling Trophy

By |April 18th, 2024|


In February, Clients from our East Ayrshire Community Rehabilitation Group took part in a Ten Pin Bowling tournament. This was enjoyed by all. Tournament winner Anne Lindsay was ‘bowled over’ to be awarded this fabulous trophy by East Ayrshire Community Rehabilitation Group Client, Louise Kirkwood. The outing was made possible following a kind donation by the Kirkwood family, in […]

Numeracy & Literacy Tuition

By |April 11th, 2024|


Clients from our South and East Community Rehabilitation Groups benefitting from Numeracy and Literacy tuition. Difficulties with Numeracy and Literacy can often be experienced following an acquired brain injury and this is something we can offer support with, through tailored tuition.


If this is something you feel you could benefit from support with, please give our office a call on […]

Spring Coffee Mornings

By |April 4th, 2024|


Plenty of fun was had at the South and East Community Rehabilitation Group Coffee Mornings on the 26th and 28th of March. There were crafts, handmade by Headway Ayrshire Clients, a fantastic array of raffle prizes and the opportunity to eat your own bodyweight in cake! It was lovely to share the mornings with Clients, their families and friends […]

March 2024

East Ayrshire Community Rehabilitation Group Ten Pin Bowling Tournament

By |March 21st, 2024|


We were ‘bowled over’ when Clients from our East Ayrshire Community Rehabilitation Group recently ‘got in lane’ to take part in a ten Pin Bowling tournament at The Garage Leisure Complex. Much fun was had by all! The outing was made possible following a kind donation by an East Group member, in memory of their mum.


Cognitive Education Course Begins

By |March 14th, 2024|


Our Cognitive Education Course is underway at both South and East Community Rehabilitation Groups and Clients are enjoying the opportunity to participate.


Recent Community Rehabilitation Group Activities

By |March 7th, 2024|


There’s always a good selection of activities on offer at both our South and East Community Rehabilitation Groups. The Art Group and the Craft Group have been producing some fantastic work, while others have taken part in group discussions, quizzes, a pool competition, and other games.

If you are interested in coming along to a Group, please call the office […]

February 2024

Community Rehabilitation Group News

By |February 28th, 2024|

Activities were in full swing at our South and East Community Rehabilitation Groups this week. The Art Group are honing their skills producing some fantastic charcoal and pencil drawings, while others enjoyed a variety of activities including workbooks, chess, and other games. If you are interested in coming along to a Group, please call the office on 01292 618090 […]

Awareness raising and Prevention Campaigns in Schools

By |February 12th, 2024|

Headway Ayrshire has commenced its “Awareness Raising & Prevention Campaigns” in local Secondary Schools across Ayrshire.  The presentation is for S4, S5 & S6 pupils and the purpose of the presentation is to promote awareness of brain/head injuries associated with road traffic accidents and drugs/alcohol abuse, concussion, and the dangers of taking risks.

The Charity will continue to promote this […]